Total design of
Fukuoka Subway NANAKUMA LINE
- Architecture, sign, environment, universal design/
Japan Sign Design Association + Kyushu university + GA-tap Inc. -
Japan Industrial Design Promotion Association GOOD DESIGN Award
Japan Sign Design Association Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award
Barrier-Free Contributor's Award Prime Minister's Award, Cabinet Office
Association of Railway Architects Prize
Machine Design Award
Laurel Award - finished in 2005
The Total Design of Nanakuma Line starting in 1995, and opening for business in 2005. He has received high praise from all over the world for Universal Design in particular.
- Sendai City design for inclusion of foreigners
- Sign, environment,universal design of JR West Japan Shinkansen Hakata Station
- Universal design of Fukuoka Bank
- Sign, environment design of Pediatric Medicine Center of Kyushu University Hospital
- Total design of Fukuoka Subway NANAKUMA LINE
- Sign, environment, architecturel design of Local government
- Sign, Architecture design of School
- Sign, environment, furniture design of hospital, art museum, park
- Tactile Calender “Touch The Moon”